Equivalence testing of foreign qualifications
Safety is a priority with every outdoor and adventure offer. Well-trained guides make a significant contribution to safety. This is why recognized training courses and uniform courses and examinations are important.
Safety in advenures keeps a list of recognised certificates of competence. It specifies which skills/certificates are needed for the various activities. The list is binding for the certified providers, compliance is checked in the audits.
Recognised foreign certificates of competence
Safety in Adventures maintains a list of foreign certificates of competency which have been recognised as equivalent to Swiss certificates of competency (as at 30.11.2018). Foreign certificates of proficiency, which are mentioned on the list, do not require a further equivalence test for equivalence to Swiss certificates of proficiency and do not need to be replaced by a Swiss certificate. As a rule, the presentation of the recognised foreign certificate of competence is sufficient.
List of recognised foreign qualifications
Unrecognised foreign qualifications
Since 1 May 2019, the Federal Office of Sports is responsible for applications for recognition of domestic and foreign certificates of competence for managers and auxiliary staff in accordance with Art. 15 of the revised RiskV. Applications must be sent in writing (by post or e-mail) to the address published on https://www.baspo.admin.ch/de/aktuell/themen--dossiers-/gesetz-ueber-risikosportarten.html.
For information: Pursuant to Art. 15 para. 1 of the revised Ordinance, the following requirements must be met for possible recognition:
Art. 15 Recognition of certificates of competence for managers and auxiliaries
The Federal Office of Sports recognises domestic and foreign certificates of competence for managers and assistants (Art. 13 para. 1 subpara. c), provided that the certificates of competence have been issued in compliance with the following requirements:
a. The person has passed an examination and demonstrated sufficient practical experience prior to the start of the examination.
b. The examination took place in theory and practice and covered the control of safety-relevant knowledge and skills.
c. The examination lasted at least one working day.
d. The examination was taken by two experts, at least one of whom was neither an employer nor had completed the training.
e. The qualifications meet the requirements of a representative industry association active throughout Switzerland or of a state organisation.